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Throat Disorder Treatments

We Can Help When you Have Difficulty Swallowing

Throat disorders are some of the most noticeable health conditions as they can be very uncomfortable. Even mild throat problems can make it difficult for someone to swallow, which is why it is important to treat the problem quickly to avoid other complications caused by malnutrition. While minor sore throats will usually go away on their own, severe throat problems, or conditions that last more than a week should be treated by a medical professional.

At West Jefferson Ear, Nose and Throat, we treat all manner of voice, larynx, and throat disorders. Contact us today if you are having difficulty swallowing or suffering from severe throat pain.

Common throat disorders

Most people will experience throat pain at some point in their lives. Below is a list of just a few common throat disorders and symptoms you should be aware of.

Throat disorders you should be aware of:

  • Strep throat – A more severe version of a sore throat caused by bacteria. Some signs of strep through include swollen tonsils, red or white spots in the back of the mouth, fever, and tender lymph nodes in the neck. Strep throat usually requires an antibiotic for treatment.
  • Vocal cord polyps – Polyps can form from excessive use of the vocal cords, such as loud shouting at sports events. They can also be caused by acid reflux or smoke inhalation. A hoarse voice could be the result of a polyp. Though not usually serious, some polyps need to be removed through surgery.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea – Sleep apnea is a serious condition where someone stops breathing periodically while sleeping. It is caused when muscles in the throat relax and droop while sleeping, obstructing the airway. Loud snoring during the night is a common symptom of sleep apnea, but it does not occur in all cases.
  • Hoarse voice – A hoarse voice is often caused by inflammation in the larynx. This can make your voice sound raspy and quiet. Hoarseness usually goes away on its own, but if it lasts longer than three weeks without any cold or flu symptoms you should consult a medical professional.
  • Throat cancer – Tumors can develop in the throat, on the vocal cords, or on the tonsils. Tobacco and excessive alcohol use increase the chances of developing throat cancer. Some early signs of throat cancer include chronic coughing, difficulty swallowing, lumps in the neck, and a sore throat.

This is not an exhausting list of all throat disorders. Make sure you receive an official diagnosis before assuming you have anything serious. For more information, call West Jefferson Ear, Nose & Throat at 504.276.2089.

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