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Cutting-edge solutions for sinus issues

You deserve the very best care, and at West Jefferson Medical Center, we’re leading the way in ear, nose, and throat (ENT) care with state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge solutions. ClariFix® is just one of the revolutionary techniques we use to relieve chronic rhinitis and other long-term sinus issues.

What is ClariFix?

ClariFix is a revolutionary, minimally invasive procedure designed to target chronic rhinitis, a condition that causes symptoms such as long-term congestion, runny nose, and postnasal drip. This breakthrough treatment uses advanced cryotherapy (localized freezing) technology to precisely freeze inflamed nerves. ClariFix provides long-lasting pain and symptom relief, helping you breathe more freely and enjoy life without the constant discomfort caused by nasal problems.

When is ClariFix needed?

ClariFix is ideal for people suffering from chronic rhinitis that persists despite traditional treatments like medications and lifestyle changes. If you’re constantly congested, dealing with persistent postnasal drip, or having difficulty breathing due to nasal issues, ClariFix might be the solution you've been waiting for.

To find out if ClariFix is right for you, let our skilled ENT experts assess your condition with a thorough exam and medical history.

Benefits of ClariFix

The benefits to ClariFix are plentiful and include:

  • Improved quality of life — With nasal issues solved, you can breathe freely, sleep better, and participate in activities without the hindrance of persistent congestion or a runny nose.
  • Long-lasting relief — By targeting the root cause of chronic rhinitis, ClariFix provides enduring relief from bothersome symptoms, allowing you to regain control over your life.
  • Minimally invasive procedure — ClariFix is minimally invasive, meaning it involves little discomfort and a shorter recovery time compared to traditional surgeries.
  • Personalized care — Our skilled ENT specialists tailor the ClariFix procedure to your unique needs, ensuring a customized approach that effectively addresses your specific symptoms.
  • Quick procedure — ClariFix is a quick, outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home afterward. You can resume your daily activities shortly after the treatment and enjoy the benefits almost immediately.

Don't let chronic rhinitis control your life any longer. Experience the transformative benefits of ClariFix at West Jefferson Medical Center. To explore all your nasal treatment options, call us directly at 504.934.8550 or schedule an appointment online.

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