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Tympanomastoidectomy is a surgical procedure that removes diseased or damaged tissue in the middle ear and mastoid bone. The middle ear is a vital part of the auditory system. The mastoid bone is located behind the ear and contains air cells that help regulate air pressure within the ear. Conditions such as chronic ear infections, cholesteatoma (a non-cancerous growth in the middle ear), or complications from previous ear surgeries can make a tympanomastoidectomy necessary.

When is a tympanomastoidectomy needed?

Tympanomastoidectomy may be necessary if you have any of the following:

  • Cholesteatoma — This abnormal skin growth in the middle ear can lead to hearing loss and recurring infections. A tympanomastoidectomy removes the growth to restore normal ear function.
  • Chronic ear infections — Recurrent or persistent ear infections can cause damage to your middle ear and mastoid bone. A tympanomastoidectomy may be performed to remove the infection and prevent it from coming back.
  • Complications from previous ear surgeries — In some cases, complications from previous ear surgeries such as unsuccessful ear tube placement may require a tympanomastoidectomy to fix the issues and improve hearing.
  • Mastoiditis — This infection of the mastoid bone can result from untreated middle ear infections. A tympanomastoidectomy removes the infected tissue to prevent the spread of the infection.

Why choose West Jefferson Medical Center's ENT clinic for tympanomastoidectomy?

Our highly skilled team of experienced ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeons specializes in performing tympanomastoidectomies with precision and care. We use the latest state-of-the-art technology and advanced surgical techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes. And because there’s no one else like you in this world, we personalize your care to address all your concerns, guiding you through every step of the process.

At West Jefferson, we’re dedicated to providing the expert care you deserve. To explore all your treatment options, call us directly at 504.934.8550 or schedule an appointment online.

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