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WJMC Orthopedic Surgeon Going to Haiti to Volunteer His Services

Who: Dr. Daniel Gallagher is going to Haiti for 8 days to perform orthopedic surgeries on adults & children. He will be taking his physician assistant (P.A.), Ryan Honeycutt, who will be assisting him in surgery. Honeycutt is a captain in the Louisiana National Guard & served a year in Iraq as a P.A.

When: He will be leaving Friday, March 5th in the afternoon.

Why: There is still a great need for medical care in Haiti since the devastating earthquake in January, especially for orthopedic surgeons. Many Haitians need their expertise to mend broken bones and aid with wound care.

Dr. Gallagher will be working with the University of Miami in partnership with the organization Project Medishare (, an international medical relief organization. Project Medishare has a M.A.S.H. (mobile army surgical hospital) unit set up at the Port-au-Prince airport. Dr. Gallagher says the organization has 3 circus tents that are being used as operating rooms. Please see video:‐haiti‐ 9743136?&clipId=9743136&playlistId=9743136&cid=siteplayer

“There’s a big need for orthopedic surgeons and there are few who can do it. As a civil service, I feel I should do it. Not everyone can go and fix people. I feel I should do what I can to help,” said Dr. Gallagher, who expects to perform 35 to 40 surgeries while he’s in Haiti.

Dr. Gallagher plans on documenting his volunteer trip via picture messages/text messages and still photos