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Donate to Scales for Heart Failure Patients Project

National Wear Red Day ‐ Friday, February 7, 2014

Heart Disease is the Number 1 killer of women. It takes the lives of mothers, sisters, daughters, cousins, neighbors and friends, some all too early in the prime of their life.  

The American Heart Associated designates a National Wear Red Day each year to create a greater awareness of women and heart disease ( It’s also part of the Go Red movement, which urges everyone to do what they can to support the fight against heart disease by wearing red on Friday, February 7.  

The day gives us the chance to pause and celebrate research, education and the care that makes a lifesaving difference in many lives. One such lifesaving difference is being made by the doctors and staff at West Jefferson caring for patients with heart failure.  

There’s something you can do to help us now. Stop by West Jefferson Medical Center’s Guest Services Department on Friday between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM and donate to the hospital’s Scales for Heart Failure Patients project. Your $1 donation for a paper scale on Friday (or anytime this month or beyond) will help the West Jefferson Hospital Foundation make more scales possible for patients with heart failure who otherwise couldn’t afford to buy a lifesaving scale.  

Already since the Scales for Heart Failure Patients project began a little over a year ago, more than 100 scales have been awarded. A recent donation from the Hospital Foundation makes 50 more scales possible.  

The scale project:  

  • Helps identify the early detection of fluid overload symptoms which is essential to obtaining early treatment for heart failure patients.
  • Helps promote daily weight monitoring which is a key self‐management tool for heart failure patients.  

Persons can also donate online by clicking here or calling 504-349‐2051 to learn more about donating to the Scales for Heart Failure Patients project.